Edwin James letter to Peter Du Ponceau, 1828

Letter from Edwin James [1797-1861] to Peter Du Ponceau discussing the Ojibwe language. James was appointed a surgeon in the U.S. Army, serving at outposts on the American frontier. He also served as an Indian agent and learned the Ojibwe language, taking on the role of an amateur linguist, naming t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Edwin James, 1797-1861 (Creator)
Collection:Peter Stephen Du Ponceau papers (#0181)
Box Number:Box 1
Folder Number:Folder 10
Format: Electronic
Copyright:Please contact Historical Society of Pennsylvania Rights and Reproductions (rnr@hsp.org)
Online Access:https://digitallibrary.hsp.org/index.php/Detail/objects/14019
Summary: Letter from Edwin James [1797-1861] to Peter Du Ponceau discussing the Ojibwe language. James was appointed a surgeon in the U.S. Army, serving at outposts on the American frontier. He also served as an Indian agent and learned the Ojibwe language, taking on the role of an amateur linguist, naming the pidgin Broken Oghibbeway and editing A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner, published 1830.

This digital record contains 2 images that depict one letter from folder 10, box 1 of the Peter Du Ponceau papers. This folder is labeled "Correspondence 1828," and contains additional letters which are not currently digitized.